Saturday, September 20, 2008

what an exhausting week...

I have been going nonstop for the past week...and it was only a 3 day work week... Starting with Monday's New Years celebration and the arrival of Jeanne's husband and friend. Then Tuesday I showed them to the beach, the brewery, and our favorite restaurant. Then Wednesday after work and tutoring my girls we all went one of our other favorite restaurant/pubs and drank and ate. Harry, Jeanne's husband, wanted to show his friend around before he left on Thursday so we kept busy. Then Thursday night I went out with my friend David and his friends so this bar. BUt since they are Mexican we didnt go out till 11:30pm. We stayed out till 3am...I wanted to die! It was a lot of fun though. And they were being nice by leaving at 3 for me. Here, people stay out real late because they dont go in to work till around 9am and then they get off at 7pm. So our teacher schedule of 7am to 3pm is very uncommon. I like our schedule better though because I like having the whole afternoon free. However, when my alarm went off on Friday morning at 6, I was not so happy about my 3hrs of sleep. So after, what seemed like the longest work day ever I went home and had a nice long nap. Then, one of the ladies I work with had a big party. There were about 14 of us. We drank wine, ate the most amazing food, and played Bilingual Scrabble. Each of the teams consisted of a native english speaker and a native spanish speaker. Me and my partner, Fransisco, won the game!!! We were very proud of ourselves...I can honestly say this is the first game of Scrabble I ever won... Now today, I am doing nothing but relaxing. I woke up and made chocolate chip banana bread with our baby black bananas. Then I spent a few hours reading at the pool. It has been so nice.

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