Sunday, October 26, 2008

mountains and parties

Well, its been an amazing weekend. Thursday night David, Leoner, Katie and I went out. We drank, we danced, and had an amazing time. Friday, after work, Jeane, Harry, Katie, Kara, and I went out had drinks. Us 3 young girls continued drinking and we had a lot of fun walking through San Jose trying out all the watering holes we could find...we did a tour of San Jose... Then we woke up Saturday morning and went ziplining. It was AMAZING!!! We did 3 miles of ziplines and we got to repel a 180ft cliff. It was AMAZING!!! thats all I can say to describe it, there is no better words to describe the rush and the views. Then last night Katie and I, dressed as a cat and a bee went to the giant Pimp and Ho party in Cabo San Lucas with Leoner and David. It was a lot of fun. All the costumes were crazy. The amount of naked body parts we saw was ridiculous.... David left this morning so we had a sad good bye....hate losing my favorite Mexican friend

as you can tell i typed this Sunday and then I forgot to post this...

Now that its Thursday night I am finally posting it and writing a little more. This week has been busy. Tomorrow is our big Halloween carnival and I will be going dressed as a bee. I have been working my little stinger off the past few days helping build the haunted house. These little kids should be scared to death after all the work we put into this. Then on Monday its Day of the Dead and each class has an altar for a dead Mayan should be interesting.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Busy few weeks

It has been a busy week and it's not going to stop anytime soon. This week was the end of our bimester so that means all our grades were do. In the states, there are these nice programs on the computer that calculate all your grades and its real, its called a calculator, and when you have 100 students...AHHHHHH....

Also, it was Jeanne's Birthday yesterday. Her daughter's childhood best friend, Katie, came down for a visit and she got here Wednesday. So last night for Jeanne's birthday we all went and ate dinner by the beach and had drinks. Then Katie wanted to experience some nightlife so she and I went to our club called Red with my friends David (who is moving sad) and Leonner. We danced and had drinks but I was on a strict curfew and we left at 1am since I do have to get up at 6am....little tired right now. Tonight I plan on getting some sleep...

Tomorrow morning we are all going to this zipline course. It goes back in forth between the mountains...I CANT WAIT! I think we might then hit the beach and do some snorkeling afterwards. Tomorrow night though is when the true mexican nightlife will begin. Katie and I are going with my friends to this annual, giant Pimp and Ho party in Cabo San Lucas. It's at Hotel Me and people from all over the world come for it. If you search Pimp and Ho cabo san lucas it will appear (warning,a lot of the pictures are very slutty). It's hosted by Playboy Bunnies this year. You have to not only buy tickets but you have to be in costume to enter. It is an all night affair. It is going to be very unreal. Im excited, I think it will be something I never forget.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

what a weekend...

So it’s already Sunday and I am already wishing it was next Friday. … This Friday Kara and I went with my friends David and Leonner to Cabo. Their friend Pepe came with us too, oh how I loved saying his name, always made me smile (visions of Pepe la Puh from Looney Tunes ran through my brain every time). We sat at Hooter’s on the Marina and drank some beers and ate wings. It was a beautiful night. We all went back to Leonner’s beautiful condo (made ours look horrible in comparison) and had some cocktails afterwards. I found out some sad news, my friend David is getting transferred to Acapulco come this Sunday. So we are going to celebrate him moving away this weekend…sad to lose a great friend, no more surfing buddy. On Saturday, Kara and I bought snorkel gear and went to a beach, Chileno Bay, and went snorkeling in the clearest water with the most beautiful Beach. It was gorgeous. We sat under this little thatched roof palapa that was surrounded by palm trees when we were not in the water. It was unreal. This is definitely my new favorite beach. Today, we got up early and went and ate breakfast. I had this thing they call French toast. Its two pieces of French bread, stuffed with ham, cheddar, and Gouda cheese. They then dip it into a cinnamon/egg/milk mixture and pan fry it…amazing. Then I spent an hour by the pool reading, very relaxing. Tonight we are having a dinner party with friends and its Italian night. They are making some pasta dish and I am making my version of bruschetta. Bread that is broiled, rubbed with fresh garlic. Then I topped with some amazing Mexican cheeses, prosciutto, and slices of tomatoes. Then a mixture of fresh herbs and olive oil…I made it last night for Kara and mines dinner as a test run, and it was pretty good.

Oh, I forgot to mention. Betty, our car, had another little incident. We were driving yesterday to the beach and all of I sudden I saw that something was hanging from the front of the car. I pulled over and when we got out to look, the whole front light was hanging out. So now we have this and our missing grill…Betty is not doing so good adjusting to a harsher life.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Canadian Thanksgivng

So yesterday, Oct 13, was Canada's Thanksgiving. They do not have a story about the Indians and pilgrims like we do. I think it is more of a day to celebrate the end of the harvest....All the Canadians I ate and celebrated with didn't exactly know when it was started or exactly why they call it Thanksgiving instead of Harvest Day. I think they were just very jealous of my favorite holiday... But in reality, Thanksgiving is Thanksgiving. I think it was good that I had just went to TX because I think it made me more appreciative and grateful for the friends and family I have. I was talking to a friend recently who said "once you distance yourself from everyone you learn to make the most of times you're together that much more." And I really did enjoy my trip so much. But back to Thanksgiving, we went to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. I went with a group from our condo. It was made of me, Jeanne and Harry, Mary-Helen (a Canadian we work with), a lady from Scotland, a man from England, a man from California, and 2 other ladies from Canada. It was nice to eat and get to meet some new people. This meal was a 3 courses. We started with a Cesar salad and a bowl of butternut squash, then we moved on to turkey with both sweet and regular mashed potatoes. There was stuffing and cranberry sauce too. Then for dessert we had a slice of carrot cake. It was all amazing. Apparently, this restaurant puts this on every year, so wonderful. I love that while I was in TX so many people had asked my mom if I had gained weight due to all the food I eat and talk will be happy to know that not only have I not ballooned up but I am actually smaller now then I was when I came here 2 months ago...I guess the Mexican lifestyle suits me

Deidre's Wedding

So this past weekend was Deidre's wedding. I flew into TX on Thursday night (I switched my plane so I would miss the hurricane...that never hit) and Deidre picked me up. We spent the night getting things ready for the wedding and honeymoon. It was nice getting to spend some alone time together so we could catch up. Friday was a busy day. Deidre and I woke up. She went to get her nails done with her mom while I went out to lunch with my mom and dad. We ate at Chris Madrids which has the best burgers in the world. We then headed out to Boerne to see my grandma. We talked and I handed out gifts; I felt like Santa Clause. Then my dad drove me back to San Antonio where I went to the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. It was nice getting to catch up with some old friends. Then Deidre and I went home and tried to make sure all the final preparations were complete. Deidre ended up having a stressful night. She got a migraine late at night we think caused by stress and lack of sleep. So after a fast run to my favorite store, HEB, we had some migraine medicine that fixed our problem. We both then woke up early the next morning and went to have our hair done. We stopped at La Madeline's on the way and got strawberries and croissants. Then after a few hours at the hair place we went to the church and finished getting ready while we ate lunch. The wedding was at 3 and it was beautiful. Deidre did a great job planning the wedding. The after pictures we headed to the reception. I was riding with William, Deidre's brother...he was pretty much my chauffeur to get between every place this whole weekend, luckily I've know him since I was 5 so I didn't feel to bad...We got there and had a cervesa in the parking lot with Jennifer and Scott's at their truck (friends). Only in TX do people drive around with an ice chest of beer in the back of their truck. The reception was so much fun and the barbecue was really good. I danced a lot with my dad and William. I think I made my two-step quota for the year. After the wedding, my parents and I headed back out to my grandma's for the night. Then bright and early the next morning I was on a plane headed home.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mexican Lice Dont Jump our school is having a lice outbreak, its so gross. It started with Kara's 8th graders and now its sweeping secondaria (middle school). I told my 9th graders if any of them sit to close to those kids and catch them, they will not be allowed in my class. I had to leave lunch early today because the kids are sitting around picking them out of each others hair, they are like monkeys. Apparently they dont have the lice shampoo here so nothing is being done about it. We were telling the school physiologist who was sitting next to the monkeys to move away because the lice were going to jump on her. And she replied, "Mexican lice dont jump"....if thats true, then how did they spread from child to child. It's just crazy. The kids are almost proud of them, they like the attention. We were like, in the states if you have them you usually dont want to tell your friends because you would be embarrassed...Not here

"I feel a hurricane a blowing..."

So it has been awhile since I have last written, where do I start…
This past Friday we went and saw the Broadway play, if you can even call it that. This show was so horrible that it made McMath Middle School plays look like Tony award winning shows. It was that bad. The singers could not sing, some notes only dogs could hear. The one lady who was supposed to be very famous in Mexico is a famous opera singer….so when she tried to sing Broadway she was singing opera 5 keys above everyone else; it all clashed horribly. The dancers and choreography were just awful. They actually took some of their dance moves from “Napolean Dynamite” (the butterfly hand movements). You just felt sorry for these sequin covered people watching them. These people must never have had a dance lesson in their lives and I am not being overly dramatic at all. It was that bad. Also, the lighting had us laughing. They had 2 spotlights and the lighting guys must have been told to keep the spots and whoever was singing. So the whole show it looks like two men have giant flashlights and they are just darting back and forth across the stage trying to find who is singing…it was so funny. We snuck out at intermission with about half of the theater. So the Mexican’s agreed with us, it was just that bad.
Saturday and Sunday were nice lazy days. We ate, drank, and swam all day long. It was so nice until….Sunday night when I realized there was a hurricane headed straight for us and that it was going to hit the day I left Cabo…so that was no good…luckily, my amazing mom was able to get me on an a flight for Thursday afternoon that way I can escape before it hits land. So, Deidre, don’t you worry, I will be at the wedding…

Thursday, October 2, 2008

all work and no play...j/k

Work is definitely not our focus here. We get our job done, but just like in the states we cannot wait for the bell to ring and the kids to go home...

This past weekend I went with my surfing friend David and his friends to a hotel called "Me" in Cabo. It was amazing. At night part of it turns into a bar. You can either stay inside at that bar or you can go outside to that bar. This bar over looks the pool and it has little cabanas all around the pool where you can sit and talk. Also, from here you can see their private beach which has a view of Cabo's famous arches....Its amazing. The next day we went back and we swam and had drinks. If you buy a couple drinks they let you use the pool and beach all day. It's amazing. There are floating pulls in the water, all the little cabanas around the pool and on the beach, and there are waiters coming around to wait on you. It is so beautiful. I have attached the website. When you click on it, the background of the sight is a slide show that shows how beautiful it is. So I never slept here, it is just very open for locals to come and enjoy in the evening and during the day.

Tomorrow after school we are going to a Broadway style show. One of our fellow teachers got us tickets. She writes for the local Gringo Gazette and did an interview with the theatre. So she got us tickets through her connections. I cannot wait!