Friday, October 24, 2008

Busy few weeks

It has been a busy week and it's not going to stop anytime soon. This week was the end of our bimester so that means all our grades were do. In the states, there are these nice programs on the computer that calculate all your grades and its real, its called a calculator, and when you have 100 students...AHHHHHH....

Also, it was Jeanne's Birthday yesterday. Her daughter's childhood best friend, Katie, came down for a visit and she got here Wednesday. So last night for Jeanne's birthday we all went and ate dinner by the beach and had drinks. Then Katie wanted to experience some nightlife so she and I went to our club called Red with my friends David (who is moving sad) and Leonner. We danced and had drinks but I was on a strict curfew and we left at 1am since I do have to get up at 6am....little tired right now. Tonight I plan on getting some sleep...

Tomorrow morning we are all going to this zipline course. It goes back in forth between the mountains...I CANT WAIT! I think we might then hit the beach and do some snorkeling afterwards. Tomorrow night though is when the true mexican nightlife will begin. Katie and I are going with my friends to this annual, giant Pimp and Ho party in Cabo San Lucas. It's at Hotel Me and people from all over the world come for it. If you search Pimp and Ho cabo san lucas it will appear (warning,a lot of the pictures are very slutty). It's hosted by Playboy Bunnies this year. You have to not only buy tickets but you have to be in costume to enter. It is an all night affair. It is going to be very unreal. Im excited, I think it will be something I never forget.

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