Sunday, August 10, 2008

Iguanas are everywhere

We spent part of it at the pool, pictures attached. It is a gorgeous pool surrounded by the prettiest plants. Also, besides us humans, the local iguanas love the pool as well. There are tons of them eveywhere here. They are amazing sunbathers... Kara wanted to touch one but we werent sure if they bite. Micah, I know your brother had an do they bite? you say no and you have made Kara's day.

After the pool the three of us went to a local side walk resturant. Our waiter fell in love with Jeanne (our fellow american). He kept trying to figure out ways to get her attention. He decided to put on a magic show for us. There are some pictures of it too.

oh, i also attatched a picture of the view from our back patio, its from when you are sitting at our little table

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