Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jack Johnson and I would be BEST friends!!!


So today we had surf lessons. It was me, kara, and the guy named David (he lives at our apartment and he's approximately my age) and we had two surf instructors. The two instructors just treaded water out in the waves while the three of us surfed. David was really good; he was able to get all the way up on the first try. I got up on the third try and after that I did really good. It became real easy. I started with one of the instructors and he grabbed my ass. The other instructor saw it, laughed, and after I caught the next wave he signalled for me to paddle towards him. He worked with me and David, and Kara had Mr Groper to herself. Our guy was wonderful...after 20minutes David and I had it down. We collided once but that was it. We would ride the waves almost up to the shore and then jump off at the last minute so we wouldnt get beached. But we would ride it for a long time...what an amazing rush...I felt at home out there. I loved it... After we finished we sat on the beach talking and the guys offered to take us to a differnt beach soon, we exchanged numbers so now we have surfing buddies. And we have a new friend, David, who lives really close to us.

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